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Mohammed Imran

Mohammed Imran

Hi, I'm a Full Stack Developer from India. I love to build things for the web. I'm currently working at Factoreal Systems as a Senior Fullstack Developer.

Most Used Language

TypeScript - 20.88%

Shell - 18.21%

Go - 17.94%

JavaScript - 10.83%

HTML - 10.81%

CSS - 9.47%

Svelte - 4.00%

Rust - 3.89%

Astro - 3.71%

Dockerfile - 0.26%

These stats are pulled from Github, and are based on the languages used in my public repositories.


  1. Kubernetes
  2. Docker / Docker Compose
  3. Apache Kafka
  4. Nginx
  5. Postgres
  6. MongoDB
  7. Clickhouse